UPN is an industry, as the real estate industry, not just a business. Like real property, the intellectual property of UPN can be owned, used, traded, recorded, insured, etc. Thus, the total value of UPN, due to its infinite amount, could equal to or even surpass the total value of real property on earth. The industry of UPN could also be larger than the real property industry. The basic use of UPN is to give a permanent entity a distinct name, which, for example, can be uniquely searched in a global search engine.
Standardization in the field of Information Management For Search Engines. Standardization of all the permanent number systems into one universal permanent number system.
Purpose and Justification
All the current number standards are designed to contain permanently distinct numbers, but not universally distinct numbers. The numbers in these standards are distinct from each other to infinity in time, but are not distinct from the numbers in other standards. The Universal Permanent Numbers standard is designed to contain universal and permanent distinct numbers or numbers distinct from each other to infinity in time and space.
Almost all the artificially created permanent number standards should be converted to the Universal Permanent Number Standard (UPNS), which is a natural standard with natural constraint of universal and permanent distinct of the numbers (for universal search on the Internet) and the requirement that all the meanings of the Numbers to be remembered by completely automated software (described below).
The proposed Universal Permanent Number Standard (UPNS) was developed based on my solution to value and my solution to completely automated software. The solution to value is disclosed in the patent "Quantitative Supply And Demand Model Based On Infinite Spreadsheet" (Pat. No. 6,078,901). The solution to software is disclosed in the patent "Completely Automated And Self-generating Software System" (Pat. No. 5,485,601). The solution to value requires that a rational decision must take into consideration all the consequences to infinity in time and space. Value is defined as the sum total of all the benefits and losses to infinity in time. Few, if any decisions today, in the absence of the solution to value, consider the consequences of a decision or design to infinity in time and space. In particular, almost all the current number standards are designed without taking the considerations to infinity in time and space. Since integer numbers are unlimited, it would not be difficult to design a number standard whose numbers are universally distinct from each other, as well as permanently distinct from each other, to replace all the existing number standards. The Universal Permanent Number Standard is proposed mainly based on the concept of Universal Permanent Numbers, whose meanings can be remembered by the completely automated software or Permanent Software, which is in contrast to the current temporary software. In general, complete automation is the solution to unlimited complexity, such as in life science and the unlimited numbers in number standards.
Programme of work
The Universal Permanent Numbers consortium will be a consortium of consortiums. It will require the participation of most of the consortiums of number standards to get Internet search companies to put Universal Permanent Numbers at the top of search ranking for the benefit of all the participants and the society. The Internet makes the Universal Permanent Number Standard not just more desirable than the current universally conflicting permanent number standards, but also mandatory for the purpose of the search engine. The Universal Permanent Numbers consortium, if formed, can request search engine companies such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN, to search for items represented by Universal Permanent Numbers as the first priority when an integer is inputted to be searched. The Universal Permanent Numbers consortium will try its best to maintain the status quo of the current number standards with only necessary modifications or modifications for enhance the value of the Universal Permanent Number Standard.
Survey of Similar Work
All the permanent number systems, such as ISBN, Unicode, Patent Numbers, Serial Numbers, product numbers, Social Security Numbers, Credit Card Numbers, Driver's License Numbers.
Hugh Ching holds, in addition to the above mentioned two patents, the sole copyright to the Universal Permanent Numbers, which form a complete set of integers from minus infinity to plus infinity.
Organization: Registering as an individual (Hugh Ching)
Street Address: PO BOX 2663
City: Fremont
State: CA
Zip Code: 94536
Country: USA
Phone: (510) 952-8796
Email: chien_yi_lee@universalcomputersourcecode.com
Because only one source can issue Universal Permanent Numbers, it is not possible or proper, in case of dispute, to release the copyrights to the public. The holder of the public domain completely automated software patent (Hugh Ching) is most appropriate to hold the copyrights and to guide the development of the completely automated software to technically support the Universal Permanent Number Standard. Conceptually, the Universal Permanent Number Standard is a natural standard with natural constraint of unlimited growth in the number of Universal Permanent Numbers; it must be supported by the completely automated software to remember the meanings for which the Numbers stand.
Other comments:
Web sites describe the development of Universal Permanent Numbers: The role Universal Permanent Numbers play in the overall scheme of complete automation:
Some outdated discussions on the Universal Permanent Numbers:
The people involved the development of Universal Permanent Numbers as a part of post-science, knowledge beyond science:
Universal Permanent Numbers are in contrast to the perfectly flexible temporary Universal Computer Source Codes, as described in the web site:
An short introduction of Hugh Ching, the copyright holder of UPNS:
Today's search engines are designed mainly for random search of temporary information, such as news items, with unfaithful search of permanent information. We need search engines designed for faithful search of permanent entities. Therefore, we need to first give names to the universal permanent entities. For machine operation, these names are best assigned in the form of integers, for integer is the native language of the machine. For example, a universally distinct human language name for a graph is difficult, but an integer name is easy. The description of the graph will be remembered in a record in the accompany Permanent Software. A paper on Universal Computer Source Code is attached to put the Universal Permanent Numbers in an overall perspective in terms of the Permanent Software and complete automation. The Universal Permanent Numbers will be a first correct product in the Age of Life Science, which is characterized by complete automation; it is the first step in complete automation by giving all the permanent entities a name in terms of integers, the native language of machines and for completely automated handling.
Universal Permanent Numbers (UPN) are universally distinct, permanently existing integer numbers from minus infinity to plus infinity. They form a unique set of distinct integers, each of which represents a permanent entity. The design of UPN is based on the consideration of a number system to infinity in time and space. Almost all the number systems today are incorrectly designed because they are either not universal or not permanent, or both because of the lack of the far-sight of considering to infinity. The recent growing trend of globalization makes the need of UPN apparent and start to expose the long-term defects of all the existing number systems and the consequence of past short-sighted planning.
The main difficulty of UPN is that numbers are hard to remember than, say, English-like representations. The invention of UPN in this proposal is based on the invention of Universal Permanent Software, which can remember UPN for the user of UPN, and which, as its name implies, also is universal and permanent.
Universal Permanent Number can sprout an entirely new industry akin to the real estate industry. The intellectual property of UPN, in fact, should be treated exactly like real property. Every UPN can be resold and should be appraised, recorded, titled, insured, represented by brokers, even taxed, etc. just as for every parcel of real estate. In many ways, this intellectual property should be considered more valuable than real property because it is associated directly with knowledge. One main function of UPN is to give each piece of knowledge a universal, permanent integer name, so that the knowledge can be globally searched. Search engines should be designed for the search of knowledge based on UPN, not just news. UPN is thus an integral part of the foundation of knowledge, especially, when the knowledge is stored in the form of software. The ultimate form of knowledge as software is DNA, which is the ultimate Universal Permanent Software and contains the wisdom of the universe from the infinite past. The amount of knowledge contained in DNA is unlimited, and so is the Universal Permanent Numbers.
Universal Permanent Number is one of the first correct products of the Age of Life Science. Today, several large companies have already reached market capitalization of hundreds of billion dollars because they are producing almost completely automated products, which are still incorrect products of the Age of Life Science. The number of UPN transacted can easily reach trillions. Selling just a dollar per number can bring the market capitalization up to the trillion-dollar range. The service sectors associated with UPN, as in the case of real estate industry should be of equal size. The new industry of UPN should open the eyes of world to the wealth lying in intellectual properties, far beyond the material world, based on complete automation, which characterizes life. A DNA should worth more than a real estate.
Intellectual Merit: UPN is the key in the elimination of technical barriers in knowledge usage. It can be used to represent all the technical barriers to knowledge application, and it is then remembered by the Universal Permanent Software, not the user. This is one of the byproducts of the Software. UPN defines the true nature of intellectual property; it corrects the short-sightedness of a physical world of science and introduces mankind to the enormous value of natural intellectual properties covering the universe.
Broad Transformative Impact: Education is reduced to teaching knowledge, not technical barriers.
Globally Searchable Unique Identification Integer Names
Universal Permanent Numbers are integers from minus infinity to plus infinity. They can be used as Globally Searchable Unique Identification Integer Names (GSUIIN). GSUIN are like ISBN, the book numbers. ISBN applies only to books, and in a global search, it might come into conflict with other numbers. ISBN can be considered the incorrectly conceived version of GSUIN, or a pre-Internet and pre-globalized number system.GSUIN as intellectual properties are exactly like real properties. Each integer of the complete set of unique integers from minus infinity to plus infinity is an intellectual property of value. It can be titled, recorded, and transferred, just like a real property and can be just as valuable.
Each integer of GSUIN can represent a book, a person, or a merchandize. It is a globally unique integer name given to an entity or information. What the integer represent will be remembered, updated, and manipulated by the patented Completely Automated And Self-generating Software. For example, if a university buys a million GSUINs for its alumni. It can use the Self-generation Software to arrange and automatically update the alumni information in terms or names alphabetically, professions, ages, etc. and make the information globally searchable.
The practical use of GSUIN is the same as book numbers ISBN, but guarantees permanently that there will be no conflict in a global search. It will put intellectual properties in par with real property and, thus, demonstrate the value of intellectual properties.
The effectiveness of GSUIN has been proven by the need of ISBN, and its value has been proven by the value of Internet domain names. In fact, both ISBN and domain names, and all the other number systems, should switch to GSUIN. Generally, the world should switch from designs based on short-sighted and narrow-minded considerations to designs based on infinite and global views to achieve permanent, not temporary, solutions.
The theoretical model of Universal Permanent Number Standard is identical to that of Unicodes. While Unicode only apply to characters of languages, Universal Permanent Number covers all entities, thus, avoiding conflict universally and permanently. The business model of Universal Permanent Number Standard can follow that of ICANN, which checks for uniqueness of domain names, but allows private companies to sell the domain names. In the case of Universal Permanent Numbers, there is only one private company, namely, Complete Automation Laboratory (CAL), which holds the copyright to Universal Permanent Numbers.
There are at least several thousands more web pages than web sites. If search engine companies allows the submission of Universal Permanent Numbers, which corresponds to web pages, search process can be greatly enhanced. Universal Permanent Number Standard should be one of the most valuable intellectual properties in the world today. Charging just $1.00 per Number, the market cap can easily reach trillions of dollars.
Click here for ISO (International Standard Organization) registration
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